The essence of genuine prayer:
Asking for Guidance; Praying Constantly; Feelings in Prayer; When You Dont
Receive Answers to Your Prayers; Vocal Prayer and Mental Prayer; Fundamental
Prayer (The Sign of the Cross; Improvised Prayer; The Jesus Prayer; Catholic
Mindfulness; Insomnia; Prayer Before Eating); Formal Prayers; Beyond the
Basics (Deliverance; The Miraculous Medal; The Angelus; The Rosary; The Chaplet
of The Divine Mercy; The 3 O’Clock Prayer); The Liturgy of the Hours
The Supernatural Reason for the Chapel
Veil: The great spiritual battle against evil and lust and the supernatural
reason why its important today for women to wear a veil when praying (and
its not about the 1917 Code of Canon Law).
Overcoming the scruples that impede
a holy life: Knowing and Not-knowing; The Unconscious Conflict of Scruples;
The Psychological Motive; Interpretation, not Fear; Anger and Self-sabotage;
Self-sabotage and Scruples; The Solution
Impediments to genuine repentance
and confession: Intellectual Confession; Spiritual Progress; The Caricature
of Confession; The Sin of Presumption; The Psychological Root of the Sin
of Presumption; Time Alone Does Not Bring Absolution; Summary; Examination
Adapted for the current state of the
Church: To repair by a special act of homage the cruel indifference and
injuries to which His loving Heart is everywhere subject
Prayer to Overcome Procrastination and Self-sabotage:
My own composition. Use this prayer to help overcome procrastination and self-sabotage.
Includes a “Golden Rope” to make it a distinguished bookmark as well.
Indifference; An Obligation, a Duty,
a Habit; Something Real; Reason to Rejoice; The Desire to Love; The Eucharist;
Suffering Sacrifice; Physical and Spiritual Sustenance; Abuses; Be Not
The truth about masturbation:
Demons and Wolves; The Theological Issues; The Psychological Issues; The
Actual Failure; The Urge to Masturbate; The Healing Process; The Spiritual
Step-by-step instructions to stop
smoking with visualization and prayer: Enslavement; Stopping Smoking
through Faith and Prayer; Visualization and Prayer Technique; Coping with
Recommendations for the treatment
of mania and hypomania: Mood Stabilizers; Expansive Fantasy; Healing
from Grandiosity; A Complication to the Healing: Religiosity; Deceived by
Trust in God; Psychotherapynot Arguing
Recommendations for healing feelings
of abandonment and rage: The Rage from Feeling Abandoned; The Rage Continues:
Pushing Away; Its Your Fault!; To Heal the Rage; Love:
The Imitation of Christ; The Mystical Price of Love
Recommendations for healing the
failure to trust in divine providence and justice: The Unconscious Aspect
of Emotional Trials; Encountering Emotional Trials with Faith; Medication
vs. Self-Scrutiny; Self-help Recommendations
Recommendations for healing feelings
of repressed anger and guilt: Unconscious Guilt; Healing Guilt through
a Holy Lifestyle: Christian Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment, Understanding
Emotional Hurt, and Desire for the Holy
Recommendations for understanding
personality gifts and correcting their misuse: The Problem with
Personality; Personality Disorders; Personality Gifts; Catholic
Treatment Recommendations
Step-by-step instructions to lose
weight with visualization and prayer: Body Mass Index Calculator; Points
to Ponder about Overeating; Weight Reduction Assisted by Fasting; Weight
Reduction through Faith and Prayer; Visualization and Prayer Technique; Coping
with Cravings
Laminated Prayer Cards:
The Golden Rope; The Angelus; The Divine Praises Bookmark;The Divine Praises;
Father, Forgive Them; Prayer to the Holy Spirit; Prayer to Saint Joseph;
Prayer to Saint Rita; Swept Away; Prayer to the Venerable Cross; Waking
Prayers Non-laminated Prayer Booklets: The Litany of Humility; The Litany of
Humility Plus; The Angelus and the Regina Coeli; Little Praises of the
Blessed Virgin; Supplement to the Liturgy of the Hours
All material on this
website is copyrighted. You may copy or print selections for your private,
personal use only.
Any other reproduction or distribution without my
permission is prohibited.
Where Catholic therapy (Catholic psychotherapy) is explained
according to Catholic psychology in the tradition of the Catholic mystics.