in the Catholic Mystic Tradition
Reach Out?
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About CSF
only proper use of the expression reach
out is to refer first of all to the divine act of God reaching out to us to give us
His grace; second, to refer to our action of reaching out to Him to receive His grace; and
third, to refer to our reaching out in compassionate assistance to others as a way of sharing
the grace God gives us. All of these acts of reaching out are holy acts.
But in todays world, our atheistic culture
is actively attempting to subvert everything holy. Hence the expression reach
out is commonly used as a politically preferred term that means to communicate
with someone. In this manner, the simple act of basic communication is fraudulently
depicted as a noble action, and its all a cunningly aggressive way to obscure the fact
that in a culture of insanity even banal acts can be passed off as virtues.

So, if you are serious about the Catholic faith
and want to avoid being brainwashed by Luciferian liberalism, then you may proceed to
communicate with me by clicking on the button below.