Permissions Policy

permission to reproduce material from my website? Please understand that
your desire in itself is a declaration that you have received
benefit from my work. Therefore, it is fitting that you send me a minimum
donation of $35 before I will
consider your request for permission.
Note that academic
tradition allows short,
cited quotes in academic papers to be used without seeking permission
from the source author or publisher. |
Note also that, if you request
to use material from this website in a business setting (e.g., school, hospital,
business website, blog with advertising, etc.), I will require a royalty
to be paid to me in proportion to the financial gain expected to result from
your project. The amount of this royalty can be negotiated after I receive
your initial donation.
In general, please keep this
in mind about a royalty: if you or the institution for which you work will
derive a monetary profit from my work, then why should I be expected to work
for free? As Saint Paul said, A worker deserves his pay (1 Timothy
1. |
Use the payments page to make at least a $35 offering
to this
website. |
2. |
Use the
Communications page to send your permission
NOTE: Follow the instructions on the Contact Me page or you run the risk of your
message being deleted as SPAM. |
Without my express
permission, any reproduction or distribution of material from this website
is prohibited and will be considered a violation of applicable civil and
divine law.
An unanswered request
is to be considered a denial of permission.