The punishment
of fear is fear,
and the reward of love is love. |
Catholic Psychotherapy |
Spiritual Counsels |
Books |
About CSF
Fear |
Fear of Love |
Do Not Be Afraid |
Fear and Anger |
Feeling Afraid vs. Being Afraid |
Self-sabotage and Fear of Dreams |
Accepting Love |
Fear of God |
Fear of Hell |
Unforgiven |
Deprivation |
The Solution
One small word, and yet so much
hangs on it.
Fear keeps alcoholics drinking,
addicts addicted, and wretched sinners stuck in
sin like quicksand. In fearing the darkness of the
human psyche you never get to feel the true joy of real light. Because, after
all, the light of truth illuminates the dark and
shows the darkness for what it is. So there you are, in full irony: in your
fear of the dark, you end up fearing love
Why should this be? Well, in
the early years of our lives, whether they are filled with abuse and trauma
or just ordinary childhood trials, we learn to defend ourselves from the
pain of life. There’s nothing wrong with defenses. In fact, they often
keep us alive. But if you cling to your childlike defenses and carry them
on into adulthood—as most everyone does
unconsciously—you can end up with a lifestyle
that causes you more problems than it’s worth. But the thought of changing
your life is terrifying, because your defenses are all you know. There are just
too many comfortable illusions to lose if you want
to see the truth and face the pain of life directly and honestly.
Before I started
studying psychology, I worked as a woodcarver and cabinetmaker. One day I
brought home a pile of dirty, moldy pieces of wood. My father looked at it
and said if it were up to him he would throw it all in the garbage. But I
patiently cleaned, sanded, filled, glued, refinished, assembled, and polished
the pieces. In the end I had a beautiful antique oak dining table. |
So let that be a
psychological—and theological—lesson. No life, however
dirty and broken, is beyond
redemption. Or beyond
Now, my father
never abused me in any way. And he never told me that
I was garbage. But imagine how
it feels to be a child whose parents are abusive,
critical, neglectful, and manipulative. These parents not only break
down their child into a pile of sticks, but also, when the child stands there
covered in guilt and shame, they tell the child,
“Look at you! You’re just a piece of garbage.” |
And why are there so many lives
headed for the garbage dump? Fear. Fear of
the hard work of the deep scrutiny necessary
to clean themselves off. Fear of letting go of the dirt, because dirt is
all they know, and, even if it’s dirt, at least it’s
Fear of
Believe it or not, most of us
are brought up in modern culture to fear love. This is a radical statement,
so pause a bit and consider it.
How often did you, as a child,
yearn for gentle teaching and guidance, only to be told, “Shut up and just
do what I tell you to do”? How often were you, as a child, criticized and
laughed at for expressing your honest feelings?
How often are you now used, in our culture of merchandising, as an object to
be manipulated in order to satisfy some other person’s desire for profit
and power? How often do you shape yourself—with
fad diets, workouts, cigars, cosmetic surgery, makeup, dyed hair, body piercings,
tattoos, a shaved head, fashionable clothes (or lack of clothing)—in order to
meet the expectations of someone’s desire?
So what does a person learn from
childhood experiences other than that this is a world of competition, strife,
and conflict, geared toward the survival of the “fittest”—or
in today’s world, the meanest—in which honesty and
compassion are foolish
And how often, in the midst of
all this exploitation, has anyone ever done anything for your own growth
and welfare, without thought of what could be had in return?
To offer real
love—“to will the good of another,”
as Thomas Aquinas defined
it [1]—is
to be satisfied with one’s own weakness,
humility, and insignificance. Love is an act
of free will, not something that
you “fall” into. You can fall into desperate desire, and you can
fall into fatal attraction, but you can’t fall into love. Love is a
sacrifice of sorts, and it’s a sacrifice of all that the culture in its perversion
deems valuable. So to offer this real love, or true love, is to stand against
the culture—not as a revolutionary or terrorist but with a humble offering
of something better than what others “see” in their
True love, therefore, forsakes
the prestige offered by the culture in its
illusions. And, when we have been taught from
childhood to covet this illusory prestige as our very identity, is it any wonder
that we fear love?
Every child will
suffer some form of emotional misunderstanding in his or her family. If this
misunderstanding is damaging enough—for example, if the parents are
emotionally distant, hypocritical, or
abusive—the child can adopt several powerful defensive
bad.” |
“I don’t
deserve to be cared for.” |
wrong to want anyone to care for me.” |
hates me.” |
With these beliefs
in place, the child effectively pushes love out of his or her life. Left
unhealed, these beliefs will remain in the unconscious like psychological
time capsules even into adulthood. Fear of love will persist, it will seem
impossible to trust anyone, and God Himself—who is love and our
only real help—will be pushed away as
well. |
To overcome this fear of love,
then, is not a simple task. It requires far more than the conscious intellectual
assertion that you accept God. It requires far more than being a “good” person
out of a sense of duty. [2]
It requires something totally different from the illusion
of “being in control.” It requires that all those
unconscious defenses which push love out of
your life be shattered. It’s a process—a conversion—that will
turn your life upside down and inside out. And, if done properly, it will
leave you saying, just as Saint Paul said, “The life I live now is not
my own” (Galatians 2:20).
Do Not Be
Now, let’s pause here and
wonder about something. What is the one thing that Christ repeats over and
over throughout the Gospels? Do not be afraid.
Christ doesn’t say this
as if He were a humanistic psychologist telling us to stop whining and get
on with life. No. When He tells us not to be afraid, He speaks from
the place of His own real presence. That is, He so much as says,
“When I am with you, I will protect you from your
The wolf, seeing all this multitude,
ran towards Saint Francis with his jaws wide open.
As he approached,
the saint, making the sign of the cross, cried out: “Come hither, brother
wolf; I command thee, in the name of Christ, neither to harm me nor anybody
Marvelous to
tell, no sooner had Saint Francis made the sign of the cross, than the terrible
wolf, closing his jaws, stopped running, and coming up to Saint Francis,
lay down at his feet as meekly as a lamb. |
Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi
Chapter XXI |
Imagine what Saint Francis must
have felt as the wolf charged at him! The saint had such a complete trust
in Christ, as evidenced by the Sign of the Cross he made, that his body did
not sweat even a single drop of fear. And the wolf, sensing this profound
peace and calm, in obedience to Christ Himself closed
his gaping jaws and lay down meekly at Francis’ feet.
There aren’t many persons
in the world today who trust in Christ so completely as Saint Francis did.
Even Francis’ own friars held back in fear at the mere thought of the
Many of us
think we trust in Christ. Nevertheless, behind
our pious thoughts—and for some persons, religious habits—we hide
a private treasury of fears and phobias and anxiety and addictions that block
us from living a genuinely holy life. Yet if we
really believed that Christ is really present, there
would be no grudges, no jealousies, no phobias, no anxiety disorders, and
no addictions.
Fear and
The matter of phobias brings up
the connection between fear and
anger. A phobia of insects and animals,
for example, can be explained by the fact that, in folklore, vermin are
symbols of demons, and demons, by nature (that is, by their fallen nature)
are creatures of anger. Now, if anger lurks deep in the heart of any person,
that person’s anger will be “accused” by demonic anger. Thus
such persons will be reminded of the anger “crawling” within their
own hearts when they see crawling vermin.
Feeling Afraid
vs. Being Afraid
Now, please don’t get me
wrong here.
We are all
weak, broken
creatures, and we will always feel afraid of something. Vulnerability is
a fact of human existence; every day brings new difficulties that loom in front
of us, and, because we cannot foretell the future, it’s simply impossible
not to feel afraid of something.
Still, in spite of all the fear
we feel, we don’t have to get caught in trying to protect ourselves
with our own hands and our own wits. We do not have to let fear possess us.
In other words, we don’t have to be afraid.
When Christ said, “Do not
be afraid” He did not mean that we should never feel afraid.
He meant that fear should not become our being because our being should
be His being, and that, when we encounter frightening situations, we should
trust in Him and, rather than take matters into our own hands, we should
look only to His protection.
I was caught
by the cords of death;
the snares of Sheol had seized me;
I felt agony and dread.
Then I called on the name of the LORD,
“O LORD, save my life!”
Gracious is the LORD and just;
yes, our God is merciful.
The LORD protects the simple;
I was helpless, but God saved me. |
—Psalm 116:36 |
Now, to trust in Christ so genuinely
is a task requiring years of spiritual growth. But at least if you understand
how profound the task really is, then perhaps you won’t go around fooling
yourself into thinking that you have achieved such trust when you haven’t
even come close. And, when you finally decide to stop
fooling yourself, you will have learned the
first step to overcoming fear, for then you will have the real presence of
Christ’s truth illuminating your darkness.
and Fear of Dreams
In speaking about dreams here
I am not referring to the dreams that happen in
your sleep. I am speaking about your profound inner ambitions for your future.
For example, some children have simple dreams about a birthday present, a
social event at school, or a family vacation. Some children have profound
dreams about their professional careers, about Holy Matrimony and family,
or about acts of service to humanity.
And yet some individuals have
no dreams at all.
Or, to be more correct, it
seems as if some persons have no dreams when really they squash
their dreams as soon as one gets started.
Why? Well, children who suffer
emotional pain in childhood because they are mistreated by parents, family,
peers, teachers, or others learn from experience that if they express any of
their needs, they will be punished or rejected by others. Caught in this mess,
then, children will learn to fear rejection and criticism and will conclude
that denying their needs—holding them back, as it were—will prevent their
being rejected.
So, as soon as a dream materializes,
BANG! they shoot it down before it has a chance to get off the
These are the persons who say, “I
don’t know” when asked what they want. These are the persons who say, “I don’t
know” when asked what they feel. These are the persons who say, “Whenever I try
to do anything, it never works out. This is how it will always be. There’s no
point in trying.” These are the persons who will say, “It isn’t fair! God hates
But God doesn’t hate them; they hate
themselves—they condemn themselves, they punish themselves, they sabotage
themselves—in fear of having dreams.
“I know I am afraid,”
you say. “So what do I do now?”
Well, to begin, think of
hell, the tragic consequence of pushing love—and
God—out of your life. Then think of Purgatory and
consider that whatever impurity you voluntarily purge from yourself in this
life, through the process of ever-continuing and ever-deepening conversion,
will not have to be burned out of you in Purgatory. Then pause and realize
that everything you just thought about hell and Purgatory is absolutely
useless in helping you understand anything about love.
In real love for us, God knows
that the free will of a hardened sinner cannot be brought to sorrow and
contrition through force or threats of punishment. Such tactics only drive
a sinner deeper into sin.
So think of Heaven and contemplate
the fact that our true purpose in life to be filled with the utter fullness of
God’s love in Heaven. Think of love itself, and realize that the intellectual
sentimentality that passes for love in the hearts of most of us is not real love.
What many Catholics call love is nothing more than duty warmed over.
To understand real love, contemplate the Blood of Christ. This is pure love. This
is the Blood He shed on the Cross for our salvation and the same Holy Blood He
gives to each of us, individually and personally, through His real presence in
the Eucharist. This is the same Blood the Blessed Virgin
dedicated her life to protecting.
We can share in this love if only we
would accept it by surrendering to it with the same love
it offers us. Christ spoke about our need to “take up this Cup” and shed our blood
for Him, but does it mean that you literally have to become a martyr? Well, no.
Blood is life, and so, to shed your blood—or pour out your blood—is to pour out your
life. And what does it mean to pour out your life? It means to use all of your
talents not for your own profit but for God’s service.
Fear of
As you can see from everything
said above, fear refers to a narcissistic
concern about possible damage to our pride and safety.
In contrast, fear of God
refers to our awe, reverence, and service
before God’s great glory and mercy. Thus, whereas
psychological fear pulls us away from God, fear of God
leads us directly into the embrace of divine love.
For some persons, the fear of God
is sporadic and momentary. It comes and goes with circumstances; it can be
plagued with doubts and tears. For others, such as the mystics, the fear of
God is constant and leads to a constant awareness of the presence of God. Let’s
just say that any fear of God is a good thing because it’s an opening to real
love. But without the fear of God there is nothing but hell.
Fear of
There are two kinds of fear of
hell: genuine and false.
Genuine fear of
hell isn’t
the fear of hell per se; the genuine fear of hell is the fear of losing
heaven. This is a grace given only to those who truly love God.
False fear of
hell isn’t
the fear of hell per se either. A false fear of hell is the fear of
loving God. Why else would those who say they are afraid of going to hell
not do anything it takes to learn to love? They know that love is lacking
in their hearts, they know they are betraying God, they know they are in
danger of hell, and yet the thought of meeting God—the price of
change—seems impossible.
Therefore, threats of hell mean
nothing to those who do not love God.
And why is this? Well, such persons
have been so miserably treated in childhood, and experience so much anger and
resentment at how they were treated, that when they feel hurt and wounded
as adults they seek out the only comfort they know: sin. And in persisting
in sin, they reveal their real fear: the fear of love.
So, in the end, the fear of hell
won’t save you from hell because it’s the fear of love that condemns
you to hell.
Years ago, I saw a Clint Eastwood
movie, Unforgiven. I still remember one scene very clearly. Standing
over the wicked sheriff, Clint Eastwood’s character pauses, his gun
cocked, his finger on the trigger. He looks down at the sheriff. The sheriff
looks up at him and says, “I’ll see you in hell.” And, as
Clint Eastwood pulls the trigger, he acknowledges that, yes, they will meet
in hell.
It’s a horrifying thought
to realize that these two men both know they are headed straight for hell
and yet choose to just let it happen.
Now, if they were asked why this
should be, they might have said, “Because we are bad men.”
But that’s just a psychological
If pressed further, they might
have said, “OK. Maybe we’re not really bad, but we do bad things, and
we just don’t know any other way.”
But this, too, is a defense,
an intellectual defense.
So, what is the truth, behind
all the defenses? Well, it could be expressed like this: “I know I do
bad things, and I was never taught how to do anything
else, but I am afraid to surrender my
life to Christ and ask Him to heal
And what is it they fear? What
is it everyone fears? We’re all afraid that if we really change our
lives and witness the truth, our social status
will change. We’re afraid that we will lose a nice, comfortable life. We’re afraid that our co-workers
and friends will criticize and reject us. We’re afraid that our careers
will be threatened. In short, we’re afraid of what we might lose
if we allow ourselves to love.
And, in being afraid of
what we might lose, we place ourselves at risk of losing everything
nevertheless. Why? Because in always being afraid of what we might lose we do
not allow ourselves to contemplate what we might gain by overcoming fear.
Because of social deprivation or
dysfunction in their families, many persons will
commonly ask, “How can I surrender my life to Christ if I have never felt the
comfort of being taken care of by anyone or anything all my life? To surrender
to God seems as insane as jumping out of an airplane without a parachute!”
Here, then, can be located the
fear of and resistance to spiritual development. Such a person needs to
experience some sort of comfort before any spiritual progress
can be made.
Now, there are many different
ways in which it may be possible to find comfort. Social life, education, work,
and marriage can all offer some comfort in the context of human relationships.
Yet one great danger lurks within them all: self-indulgence. In seeking comfort,
we can end up making an idol of pleasure. When we seek comfort in material things,
we get entangled in a quest for the pleasure of material comfort. And so,
surrounded with pleasure, we lose sight of genuine comfort: God.
The Solution
Still, all is not
lost. The solution is prayer. If you crave the guidance and protection that was
lost or never even experienced in childhood, and that you have not been able to
find anywhere yet, then one hope remains. In prayer you can experience a
mystical closeness to God that is real and satisfying.
Yes, the solution to the problem of
fear is prayer. Yet on hearing this, many persons will say, “I’ve tried it. Prayer
doesn’t work. It’s not good enough for me.” So there is a new problem. Although
prayer is the solution to the problem of fear, most persons have not been taught
anything about the spiritual technique of prayer that can overcome fear.
To overcome fear, it is necessary to pray properly and to pray
persistently. And one basic fact explains this. The
satisfaction of prayer is not immediate.
The Satisfaction
of Prayer Is Not Immediate
To learn to pray properly and
persistently, realize that prayers of duty will bring little comfort. Dutiful
prayer has the hidden motive of trying to prove to God how dedicated you
are to Him. But God gives His love freely; there is nothing we need to prove to
Him. Proper prayer is simply a matter of opening your heart to accept the
graces God wants to give you but that you have not known how to accept. So learn
now to become accustomed to making simple, short, and frequent heart-felt
communications with God. Get close to God by telling Him your fears. Speak from
the place of honest humility and helplessness. To pray persistently, say the
following prayers over and over throughout the day, every day, knowing that you
have nothing to prove and that you cannot say the prayers too much.
O God, I’m so alone. Have
mercy on me. |
God, I don’t know what to do.
Show me how to get through this. |
God, teach me how to
love You. |
God, teach me how to
trust You. |
God, guide me and illuminate
me. |
God, help me to do what is
right, regardless of what others do. |
God, help me to recognize
the false beliefs that work in me to obstruct
my love for You. |
God, teach me
purity of heart that I might overcome
my desire to sin. |
Be careful to say the prayers with a
positive mental attitude, believing that satisfaction will occur in due time. If you
have a negative mental attitude, then, when prayer does not provide immediate
satisfaction, you will believe that “prayer doesn’t work for me.”
Learn also to make quiet time every
day to pray contemplatively, such that you do not ask anything from God but only
put yourself quietly in His presence. The most simple way to do this is to pray
the Jesus Prayer. Take time to sit (or stand) quietly and, using Rosary
beads, pray a Jesus Prayer on each of the beads, both large and small.
Two circuits around the Rosary beads will be optimal.
Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me. |
Putting Panic To Rest
The part of your brain
that pushes you into panic when you experience emotional hurt and fear is a primitive
part of the brain that understands behavior, not language, and that has been conditioned
by past traumas to equate emotional distress with
physical danger. When your body feels the first distress of emotional hurt, your
brain interprets it as a danger and sends a signal to your body to pump out fight-or-flight
chemicals that cause physiological arousal.
Now, if you believe that
there is a danger, and that you have to fight against it, you only encourage your
brain to keep on pumping out more fight-or-flight chemicals, and eventually this process
escalates and you succumb to panic. Moreover, you can’t stop the uproar
just by telling yourself to stop it. As I said before, the part of your brain that
pushes you into panic when you experience emotional hurt doesn’t understand
language. It only understands behavior—and this brings us to the real solution to the
problem of panic.
The only way to stop the
emotional uproar is to act deliberately in a way that tells your brain that there
is no danger. If you practice the following steps you can put panic to rest.
1. |
Instead of fast, shallow breathing
deliberately take long, slow, deep breaths as you continue with the following
steps. |
2. |
Instead of staring around in a frenzy,
close your eyes. |
3. |
Instead of clenching your muscles,
loosen them. |
4. |
Instead of allowing racing thoughts
to overwhelm your mind, set yourself some simple cognitive task, such as counting
backwards from 100—or pray the Jesus Prayer contemplatively (see
above) for about ten minutes. |
These steps will give your brain signals that
tell it that you are not in danger, and subsequently your brain will shut down the
fight-or-flight chemicals, and you will experience a calm relief.
Deliverance Prayer
When we experience an emotional or physiological
wound, demonic spirits can attach themselves to the wound to obstruct or discourage
healing. Therefore, when you experience any fear, panic or negativity, in addition to the
other prayers described above, pray specifically for deliverance from the harmful spirit
that may be attached to the fear or panic or negativity.
Remember, though, to be persistent. You may have
to pray repeatedly before you experience relief, and you will have to repeat the prayer when
fear or panic or negativity recur.
the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I renounce the spirit of [fear, negativity, panic, etc.]
and the hold it has over me.
And I ask our Lord Jesus to send it to the foot of the Cross.
Repeat as often as needed for any of these or other
spirits. |
Prayer for Peaceful Sleep
1. |
When you lie in bed at night in
preparation to sleep, realize that in sleep you are completely helpless in the world
and that only a complete surrender to God will be of any protection. Therefore, make
a deliberate commitment to surrender yourself to God’s protection.
To do this, lie in bed calmly, relax all
your muscles, and repeat to yourself, “Into Your hands, O Lord, I commend my
spirit.” But do it by coordinating the prayer with deep, calm, and regular breathing.
Silently, in your mind, say the first part of the prayer while inhaling deeply,
and then exhale deeply as you say the second part of the prayer.
Inhale |
Exhale |
Into Your hands,
O Lord, |
/ |
I commend my
spirit |
Make a disciplined effort to repeat
this process over and over until you fall asleep, warding off any other thoughts.
When thoughts try to intrude, do not allow yourself to dwell on them. If you do slip
and lapse into them, immediately renounce the thoughts and return to the
prayer and the deep breathing, until you fall asleep. Note that you may have to say
the prayer for an hour at a time before you fall asleep, so be careful not to give
up prematurely.
2. |
Whenever you wake up in the middle of
the night and cannot immediately fall asleep again, then follow a process similar
to the process of falling asleep initially, but it is often helpful to use shorter
statements than when first falling asleep. You may use any of the following
variations. Remember, though, that the prayers are not magical incantations whose
efficacy depends on saying the exact words; rather, the efficacy of the prayer is
in your intent and persistence.
Inhale |
Exhale |
Lord Jesus |
/ |
have mercy. |
- or - |
deep |
/ |
the holy
grace. |
- or - |
To you |
/ |
O Lord, |
I commend
As when you first go to bed, make a
disciplined effort to repeat this process over and over until you fall asleep again,
warding off any other thoughts. When thoughts try to intrude, do not allow yourself
to dwell on them. If you do slip and lapse into them, immediately stop
thinking about anything and return to the prayer and the deep breathing, until you
fall asleep. Note that you may have to say the prayer for an hour at a time before
you do fall asleep again, so be careful not to give up prematurely.
Prayer done properly and persistently
will allow you to comprehend the protection God offers you even now, but that, without
the needed instruction, you have not been able to experience.
1. Thomas
Theologica I-II, 26, 4.
2. In
its psychological sense, duty has
nothing to do with love. When you act out of duty you are trying either to
gain someone’s appreciation or to avoid losing someone’s appreciation. Love,
in contrast, has no ulterior goal; the purpose of love is love. Love is its
own reward.
Nevertheless, it is possible to speak of one’s “duty” to love
and worship God, but when used in this unique theological sense the word duty
simply points us to a need to avoid being careless about, or ungrateful for,
the ineffable love which God bestows upon us.
A Catholic Explanation of a Universal Problem
by Raymond Lloyd Richmond, Ph.D.
Includes the text of this webpage plus much additional information.
Fear. One small word, and yet so much hangs on it.
Fear keeps alcoholics drinking, addicts addicted, and wretched sinners
stuck in sin like quicksand. In fearing the darkness of the human psyche
you never get to feel the true joy of real light. Because, after all, the
light of truth illuminates the dark and shows the darkness for what it is.
So there you are, in full irony: in your fear of the dark, you end up
fearing love itself.
Still, despite the fear, there is hope. The shards of broken love can be
Information |