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About false beliefs and negative thoughts
Prayer for Deliverance from the Tyranny of
False Beliefs and Negative Thoughts
Prayer Booklet
the day, whenever you feel oppressed, stuck, and weighed down with fatigue in trying to accomplish
your tasks, use the following deliverance prayers to overcome the false beliefs and negative thoughts working covertly
to obstruct you.
Your battle is with your
own false beliefs and negative thoughts,
not with circumstances or with what other people have done to you.
No one can make you get angry.
No one can make you depressed.
No one can make you commit suicide.
No one can make you lose your faith.
Although circumstances and people can obstruct you,
only you yourself can defeat your success. |
About False Beliefs and Negative Thoughts
False beliefs and negative thoughts are created in all of us through
childhood experiences of emotional distress. Although based in erroneous childhood logic,
these beliefs help children to cope with overwhelming helplessness, but, if left uncorrected,
the beliefs will continue on into adulthood as pernicious, hidden motives for self-sabotage
and failure.
False beliefs and negative thoughts often get started through the “voice”
of someone (i.e., a parent) speaking negatively to you, but then you can internalize that voice
as your own, hoping that if you agree with someone who is critical of you then maybe you can
make that person accept you—and that itself is a false belief.
Your mind constantly repeats false beliefs and negative thoughts;
your freedom from their oppression requires constant prayer for divine assistance.
Examples of false beliefs and negative thoughts:
I am bad.
I am disgusting.
I have no right to succeed.
Without my father’s or mother’s love I am doomed.
I’ll never change.
It’s too hard.
Give it up.
Prayer for Deliverance from the
Tyranny of False Beliefs and Negative Thoughts
N the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
AINT Michael the Archangel, defend me in
battle; be my protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him,
I humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell
Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
ET God arise; let His
enemies be scattered. Let those who hate Him flee before Him. As smoke is blown away, so will
they be blown away; like wax that melts before the fire, so all lies perish at the
presence of God.
Lord, hear my
And let my cry come unto You.
ORD holy Father,
almighty eternal God, I beseech You to deliver me by Your power from the tyranny of my
false beliefs and negative thoughts; from their snares and lies; and from their foul grip
of addictions, immodesty,
irreverence, unchastity, lust, anger, and hatred. Deign, O Lord, to grant me Your mighty
protection and to keep me safe through our Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, through all
the ages of ages. Amen.
From my false beliefs and negative thoughts and from
the temptations they inflict on me,
deliver me, O Lord.
That my love for You may drive from me the desire for self-sabotage and negative
I beseech You to hear me.
That I may serve You in purity, peace, and truth, with freedom from the tyranny of
grant this, O Lord.
Explanations of false beliefs
and negative thoughts transformed into true beliefs and positive thoughts are given in the
prayer booklet.
Prayers of renunciation
are given in the prayer booklet.
Prayer Booklet
This 8 page booklet contains the text on this webpage plus many helpful
The booklet is made by my own hands and printed on acid-free paper.
Inside sample
Appx. 3¼" x 5¼"
(Closed) |
Approximately 6½" x 5¼" (Opened) |
$7.50 |
Prayer for
Deliverance from the Tyranny of False Beliefs and Negative Thoughts

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