One small word, and yet so much hangs on it.
Fear keeps alcoholics drinking, addicts addicted, and wretched sinners stuck in sin like
quicksand. In fearing the darkness of the human psyche you never get to feel the true joy
of real light. Because, after all, the light of truth illuminates the dark and shows the
darkness for what it is. So there you are, in full irony: in your fear of the dark, you
end up fearing love itself.
Still, despite the fear, there is hope. The shards of broken love can be repaired.

One Small Word | Fear of Love |
Do Not Be Afraid | Fear and Anger |
Feeling Afraid versus Being Afraid | Self-sabotage and Fear of Dreams |
Accepting Love | Fear of God | Fear of Hell (including Scruples and OCD) | Unforgiven |
The Solution
(Heartfelt and Persistent Prayer, Strengthing Persistence, Putting Panic to Rest,
Deliverance Prayer, Peaceful Sleep)
Appendix I: The Greatest Fear
Appendix II: Fear of Distracting Thoughts and Fantasies
Paperback book |
eBook |
5.25" x 8"
76 pages
ISBN: 979-8861039062 |
Formatted for Kindle
devices and Kindle apps for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, PC, Mac, Blackberry,
and Android-based devices. |
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