do you use dream interpretation? I don’t dream.
ou will dream profusely, once you
begin to have some curiosity for your inner psychological experiences. Seeking
insight from your dreams is part of the process of letting go of your
defensive need to keep your own life under
your own control.
Once you accept the fact that
your life is largely governed by social influences through
processes, then your dreams will start to give you some insight into these
processes. And once you wake up to what your dreams tell you,
then you can turn to God for refuge from your
bondage to the
illusions of the social
world around you.
In this sense, you can see that
dreams, when interpreted properly, are a valuable form of psychological guidance. Keep
in mind, however, that dreams are meant to be taken as personal revelations
of the truth of your own present state of mind, not as
predictions of the future. If you misunderstand
dreams and take them for more than personal psychology, then they become
like divination and omens; all these things are unreal; what you already
expect, the mind depicts (Sirach 34:5).
Note that a traditional
Catholic guide such as the Baltimore Catechism claims that dreams are irrational
and meaningless and should be ignored. But note carefully that this Catechism was
written at a time when the psychology of the unconscious was not scientifically
understood. It just goes to show that scientific knowledge—in contrast to Catholic
dogma—is always limited to the current culture. If you want to believe the Baltimore
Catechism about dreams you may as well believe that the world is flat or that the
sun revolves around the earth. |
See my website
A guide to Psychology and its Practice
For information
about interpreting dreams, see the web
page called
Dream Interpretation.
For information
about the nature of the unconscious,
see the web page called
The Unconscious.
For information
about how a need to be in control causes
stress, see the web page called
Stress. |
A treasure of a resource for psychological and spiritual healing. Information
gathered from my websites (including this webpage) is now available at your fingertips
in book form.
Healing by Raymond Lloyd Richmond, Ph.D. explains how psychological
defenses help to protect us from emotional injury. But if you cling to the
defense mechanisms that were created in your childhood and carry them on
into adulthood—as most everyone does unconsciously— your quest for spiritual
healing will be thwarted by overwhelming resentments and conflicts. Still, God
has been trying to show you that there is more to life than resentment and
conflict, something so beautiful and desirable that only one thing can resist its
pull: hate So now, and in every moment until you die, you will have a profound choice
between your enslavement to old defenses and the beauty of God. That decision has to
come from you. You will go where you desire.
Information |