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About CSF
RITA is well-known
for having endured a nearly impossible family situation with
an abusive husbandwho was eventually stabbed to deathand two
sons who swore vengeance on the killers. And yet her courageous and persistent
prayers helped her survive her husbands abuse and brought her sons
to forgive their fathers assassins.
After the deaths of her sons,
Rita entered the monastery of Saint Mary Magdalene to become an Augustinian
nun. While in prayer before the crucifix, she received on her forehead a
stigmatic wound said to have been caused miraculously by a thorn in
Christs crown of thorns.
Saint Rita, therefore, is an
inspiration to all hurt and wounded persons to feel their emotional pain
consciouslyrather than hide it behind psychological
defensesand, refusing to fall into
hatred, anger, and revenge, to give the pain to
Christ, trusting in His perfect
The Chaplet of
Saint Rita
the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy, which is prayed
on regular Rosary beads, the Chaplet of Saint Rita
is prayed on its own special
chaplet [1]
of beads. The chaplet has three sets of three beads between a medal on one
end and a cross on the other end. Begin the chaplet with the
Prayer to Saint Rita, and end with the three sets of three prayers
on the beads.
If you dont have a chaplet, you can
just as well say the prayers on your fingers.
The Prayer to
Saint Rita
Saint Rita, exemplary Augustinian Sister, we honour you for your devotion
to the Passion of Christ. Although your early life was filled with
disappointment, frustration, and unceasing tragedy, you never lost faith
and trust in God. For this you are the patroness of the impossible, and our
inspiration and advocate in desperate circumstances. |
The First Set
of Three Prayers
Pray the Our Father prayer on
each bead (or finger):
By the way, be
careful not to slur together the seven petitions of the Our Father
(Matthew 6:913) like the elemeno P of the grammar school
alphabet. Say this prayer slowly, carefully, and distinctly.
Father, Who art in Heaven, |
(1) |
hallowed be Thy
Name, |
(2) |
Thy kingdom
come, |
(3) |
Thy will be
done on Earth as it is in Heaven. |
(4) |
Give us this day our
daily bread; |
(5) |
and forgive us our
as we forgive those who trespass against us; |
(6) |
And lead us not into
temptation, |
(7) |
but deliver us from
evil. |
The Second Set
of Three Prayers
Pray the Hail Mary prayer on each
bead (or finger):
Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death. Amen. |
The Third Set
of Three Prayers
Pray the Glory to the Father prayer
on each bead (or finger):
be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
Amen. |
A chaplet, in its secular primary meaning, refers to a wreath or garland
for the head. In its religious sense, a chaplet is a garland
of beads for reciting particular prayers.