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Prayer for Deliverance from the Tyranny of Evil
Prayer Booklet
Prayer Against Satan and the Rebellious Angels, published by order of Pope Leo XIII, is
a prayer to curb the power of the devil and prevent him from doing harm. Its use was recommended
whenever demonic activity was suspected. It was intended to be used by a priest. Furthermore, it
could also be used as a solemn exorcism to expel demons, but only when said in the original Latin
and only by a priest with a Bishop’s permission.
Although the English translation of the prayer may
still be used by any priest as a prayer of deliverance, it may be used privately by anyone; but
the prayer can be dangerous—and may even lead to a person’s possession by demons—simply because,
when reciting it, lay individuals are in effect attempting to command demons through their own
personal power. So if you were to find a copy of the original prayer and were to recite it, you
could get in way over your head by messing with hell fire.
This prayer for Deliverance from the Tyranny of Evil is my own adapted and condensed
version of the original prayer; it can be said safely by anyone in need of protection and
deliverance from demonic oppression.
If you know that
demons are real and not just a figment of our imagination,
then prayers of protection from demonic influence must be a constant part of your
daily prayer.
You do not have to fear demons if you repent your sins, pray constantly for
deliverance from evil, and, in accordance with the traditions of the Christian faith,
live a life of chastity, modesty,
humility, and detachment from worldly
pleasures. |
Prayer for Deliverance from the Tyranny
of Evil
N the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
AINT Michael the Archangel, defend me in
battle; be my protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him,
I humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell
Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
OW I let God arise in
my heart; may diabolical spirits collapse like wax melting before the fire, and may they be scattered
and flee like smoke that is blown away in the wind, for demons tremble when the Holy and majestic
name of Jesus is invoked.
Lord Jesus, hear my
—And let my cry come unto You.
ORD holy Father,
almighty eternal God, I beseech You to deliver me by Your glorious majesty from the tyranny of
the infernal powers; from their snares, lies, and furious wickedness; and from the foul grip
of their evil compulsions to commit sin. Strengthen me to renounce their oppressive insolence
and deign to grant me the mighty protection of the heavenly powers who love and reverently serve
our Lord Jesus Christ, Your true and only Son, and may Your holy blessing be upon me.
From the deadly snares of the devil,
—deliver me, O Lord.

That You may drive away from me the legions of infernal oppression,
—I beseech You to hear me.

That diabolical lies and fraud will be unmasked before Your divine truth,
—grant this, O Lord.

That I may serve You in purity, peace, and freedom from the tyranny of evil,
—I hope in this, O Lord.