root of your procrastination and self-sabotage
is anger at your parents. Most individuals, however, will
unconsciously hide this fact from themselves because it’s a difficult thing to admit.
They feel shame for having this anger because they believe that it makes them
“bad” persons. Then they feel guilt
for having it because they tell themselves that their parents did so many good things that
being angry with them is only ingratitude.
Yet, like it or not, that anger lurking in the
shadows of your heart is causing your self-defeating behavior.
You stay stuck in self-defeating behavior no
matter how much others do for you. No matter how much other persons do for you to try to
help you, it’s never enough. Why? Well, you really crave the help of your parents, not the
help of others, and if your parents won’t change their ways and see how much you’re suffering,
then you will want to throw your suffering in their faces in the hope that then they will see
their mistakes and change their behavior. And, well, even if your parents are dead you will
throw your suffering in God’s face, as if to say, “Look what you did to me! Why didn’t you
stop them from being so cruel to me?”
For the sake of your success, it’s important to
get past this barrier of anger.
God is always pouring His graces upon you, but
your anger blinds you to seeing those graces.
God allows difficulties and trials to afflict you
so that you might recognize your angry response to them and then finally see how much
your anger hurts you. Moreover, God allowed the difficulties and trials of your childhood so
that you could learn that your only hope is in Him, not in others.
But you made a mistake. You told yourself that
your only hope was in wringing justice from the world with your angry hands.
For the sake of your success, it’s important to
admit that you made a mistake. Admit it, though, without blaming yourself. Admit it with
compassion for the child you once were who, in pushing you into anger, was only trying to
protect you from a cruel world. Admit it with the hope that
you can have something more to cling to than self-defeating anger. Admit it with the
hope that you will have something more to cling to than self-defeating anger. Admit it
with prayer.
The concept of this prayer came to me in a vision
early one morning. It took me a while to find the words to put it into language, but now it’s
available for you to hold in your own hands.
This prayer isn’t magic in
the sense that saying it once will cure you. Saying it daily, however, will nurture and
sustain your desire to overcome the impediments to trusting in the providence and protection
of God’s love. |
The Golden Rope
Prayer Card
My own composition. Use this
prayer to help overcome procrastination and self-sabotage. Includes a Golden
Rope to make it a useful bookmark as well.

Front (Back not
Approximately 3½" x 5½"
$7.99 |
The Golden Rope

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