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Psychological Healing
in the Catholic Mystic Tradition


Act of Reparation
to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Adapted by Raymond Lloyd Richmond, Ph.D.

Bound with thorns . . .
Ever bleeding . . .
Exposed for all to see . . .
Well, if you dare to say, “Make my heart like unto Thine,”
then be careful to understand what you’re asking for.



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Spiritual Warfare

IN today’s world, spiritual darkness threatens our lives more than ever before. Governments have been infested with diabolical powers of atheism and evil, and these nefarious forces cannot be fought merely with politics. There is no crime that is “beneath the dignity” of evil. Only spiritual purity can overcome evil, and so spiritual purity must be our primary weapon on the battleground. Only with spiritual purity can anyone recognize the fraud and the lies that assault us constantly and that, to save our souls, we must resolutely resist.
Sadly, those who are willing to fight such a spiritual battle today are few and far between. The smoke of Satan has not only been wafting about the world, but it has also been infiltrating the Church, making it lukewarm and filling it with hypocrisy, heresy, and apostasy. Even many priests today are incapable of engaging in battle against this evil—that is, they are either ignorant of it or afraid and unwilling to face it. The world is on the slippery slope to doom, and only those who wield the spark of truth in the darkness can avoid being snatched by lies.
If you want, you can join the great spiritual battle to defend holiness. You, too, can be like a sparkling star that shines in the midst of a twisted and depraved generation, just as Saint Paul said in Philippians 2:14–15. You can help make reparation for the cruel injuries to which the Sacred Heart of Jesus is everywhere subject today.

arrow A shorter, improved way to pray 
the Chaplet of Saint Michael

Make It Real

Whenever you are cursed, say, “I can endure this gracefully, for all the times I or others have cursed Jesus.”

Whenever you are hated, say, “I can endure this gracefully, for all the times I or others have hated Jesus.”

Whenever you are abused, say, “I can endure this gracefully, for all the times I or others have abused Jesus.”

Whenever you are scorned, say, “I can endure this gracefully, for all the times I or others have scorned Jesus.”

Whenever you are insulted, say, “I can endure this gracefully, for all the times I or others have insulted Jesus.”

Whenever you are ridiculed, say, “I can endure this gracefully, for all the times I or others have ridiculed Jesus.”

Whenever you are disbelieved, say, “I can endure this gracefully, for all the times I or others have disbelieved Jesus.”

Whenever you are ignored, say, “I can endure this gracefully, for all the times I or others have ignored Jesus.”

Whenever you are forgotten, say, “I can endure this gracefully, for all the times I or others have forgotten Jesus.”

Act of Reparation

Afflicted by the outrages of indifference, ingratitude, and contempt that the Sacred Heart of Jesus receives from this world, say this prayer daily. This adapted version of the prayer is to be said privately. (The original prayer was prescribed by Pope Pius XI to be recited on the feast of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.)

O LORD Jesus Christ, whose wondrous love for mankind is disparaged by ingratitude, negligence, and contempt, behold my desire to help make reparation for the cruel injuries to which Your loving Heart is everywhere subject.

imageMindful that I myself have had a share in such great indignities, which I now deplore from the depths of my heart, I ask Your pardon and declare my readiness to atone by voluntary expiation not only for my own personal offenses but also for the offenses of those who, straying far from the path of salvation, refuse in their obstinate infidelity to follow You, their Shepherd and Leader, or, renouncing or slighting the solemn vows of their baptism, have cast from their hearts and lips Your loving commandments.

I am resolved to expiate the deplorable outrages committed against You throughout the world, committed even by Catholics themselves.

I deplore affronts to Christian morality that wound You by immodesty of attire and behavior; by the evil vanity of tattoos; by ubiquitous profanity; by shameful pornography; by rampant fornication; by lust, adultery, and divorce that defile the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony; by the heartless malice of abortion; by the rebellious endorsing of aberrant sexual practices; by pedophilia and child sex trafficking; by the by the child abuse and reproductive defilement wrought by traηsgeηder ideology; by the insanity of “gender fluidity”; and by the diabolical effects of drugs, especially marijuana.

I deplore affronts to Christian love that wound You by hate, cruelty, persecution, and intimidation; and by the fraud, lies, and anger which stain so many hearts.

I deplore affronts to Catholic teaching and authority that wound You by heresies; by worship of false and empty gods; by atheistic ideologies; and by the dark rites of secret societies, occult arts, and witchcraft.

I deplore affronts to Christian tradition that wound You by the profanation of Your Real Presence in the Eucharist, whether it be by neglect and irreverence or by terrible acts of sacrilege; by the casualness of attire and conduct within Your churches; and by the frequent violation of Sundays and other holy days of obligation.

I deplore affronts to Christian fidelity that wound You though Your betrayal by many of Your bishops and priests in their seditious attempts to destroy traditional values; in their sins of rationalism, materialism, sexual perversions, and desire for social acceptance; in their crimes of callously covering up their sins; and in their welcoming the smoke of Satan into the Church which You have so lovingly acquired at the price of Your Blood.

Would, O divine Jesus, that such abominations were purged from this world! But I can purge them from my own heart. So I now offer my heart in reparation for these violations of Your divine honor. Revering the sacrifice You did once make to Your eternal Father on the Cross and which You continue to renew daily on our altars, I offer my vow of a pure heart in union with the acts of atonement of Your Virgin Mother and of the Saints and of the pious faithful on earth; and I sincerely vow to make reparation, as far as I can with the help of Your grace, for the increasing neglect of Your great love and for the offenses I and others have committed in the past.

Henceforth I will endeavor to live a life of unwavering faith and of conscientious observance of the precepts of the Church and of Holy Scripture. And I promise to inspire others to follow You through my own personal example of a holy lifestyle of constant prayer with a dedication to chastity, modesty, humility, constant prayer, and detachment from social corruption.

O Lord Jesus, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our model in reparation, deign to receive the voluntary offering I make of this act of expiation; and through the grace of perseverance may I remain faithful unto death in my love for You and in the allegiance I owe to You, so that I may one day come to that blessed home where You with the Father and the Holy Spirit live and reign, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


Adapted by Raymond Lloyd Richmond, Ph.D.


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Act of Reparation
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of this webpage, plus the Divine Praises.


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Act of Reparation

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Where Catholic therapy (Catholic psychotherapy) is explained according to Catholic psychology in the tradition of the Catholic mystics.

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