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Psychological Healing
in the Catholic Mystic tradition


Questions and Answers


What do you think of the Harry Potter and Tolkien fantasy books?


Outline of the Answer
• The Harry Potter Books
• The Tolkien Books
• The Moral Failure
• Putting Away Childish Things

In our fundamental psychology, fantasy experiences constantly run through our minds, so it’s only natural that writers would consciously create fantasy stories for entertainment. For Christians, though, it is important to recognize the ways in which fantasy entertainment can surreptitiously undermine the Christian faith and lead us into unconscious sin.

The Harry Potter Books

It may seem on the surface that the Harry Potter books offer only “harmless” entertainment. But magic and sorcery have no place in Christianity. Far from being based in the true Mystery of Christ’s Body and Blood, occult mysteries are based on the premise that what you know will give you power to control affairs of the world; the occult rejects all faith in Jesus the Christ (Christ means “the Anointed,” that is, the Messiah) who will lead us to God the Father if we live our lives so as to reject sin and to bear fruit according to His commandments of love. In fact, the fantasy emphasis on self-serving power contradicts basic Christian values of humility and self-surrender to God. So how can anyone—especially children— learn to value sacrifice and prayer when their heads are filled with fantasies of using magic to get what they want?

Such books really have no legitimate place in a Catholic family—except, perhaps, to illustrate the extent to which our culture in general, which thrives on anti-Christian lore, is a breeding ground for lust, hatred, power, and revenge.


If you want to entertain yourself by playing with fantasy demons, go ahead; do what you want. To borrow from an old Beach Boys song, you’ll have fun, fun, fun until real demons take your soul away.


The Tolkien Books and Movies

J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, and the Lord of the Rings books, are, well, a different story, literally. Tolkien was raised in the Roman Catholic tradition, and he attempted in his fantasy writings to convey some sense of underlying Christian values.

But, ultimately, he really wasn’t successful, because, if he were, then readers of his books would be flocking to the Church saying, “Well, we’ve seen the faint imitation, now we want the real thing.”

So, why aren’t Tolkien’s readers flocking to the Church? Well, they never get past the allure of the fantasy structure of Tolkien’s writing. Tolkien’s fantasy world was ordered according to Tolkien’s self-created mythology that had nothing to do with God the Father as Creator of Heaven and earth. Therefore, most readers get stuck in the glamorous appeal of Elves, wizards, magic, hated enemies, weapons, and fighting. Nowhere in the books is there any mention of God, or religion, or prayer. In the fantasy world that Tolkien created, magic ruled everything.

For example, in the Lord of the Rings books, the noble journey of Frodo to Mount Doom, which is supported all along the way by the Elves’ magic and the sorcerers’ protection, is brought to completion not by self-sacrificial love but by a final act of blundering, vengeful hatred. Frodo’s journey to destroy the magic ring is just one step to aid a broader battle of magical powers than a gripping metaphor for Christ’s journey to the Cross.

The Movies

The movies made from Tolkien’s books are a matter of deeper psychological and spiritual subversion than found in the books themselves. The first movie series, the Lord of the Rings, distorted the books by removing their noble poetic aspirations so as to make them into an action movie intended to satisfy a mindless thirst for action, adventure, and violence. A newer movie, The Rings of Power, is based on the Lord of the Rings story and is really just a politically correct WOKE adaptation of Tolkien meant to appease young minds that have been brainwashed with liberal social delusions.

The Moral Failure

So, in the end, fantasy literature such as Tolkien’s must encounter its own conceptual failure: it’s just not possible to use glamour, power, and magic to convey the deep meaning of humility and self-surrender to God.

Furthermore, fantasy literature that values magic, sorcery, and witchcraft for their own sake gives the false impression that magical powers are “good,” when really they are diabolical forces of evil. Even children’s stories that portray witches as endearingly “kind” are seducing children to play with fire—hell fire.

Putting Away Childish Things

Nevertheless, some fantasy literature does have some value. All children need toys and playful fantasy, such as traditional fairy tales, in order to develop a sense of social functioning; but eventually, as Saint Paul said, there comes a time to put away childish things and take up the cross.


Many of those who had become believers came forward and openly acknowledged their former practices. Moreover, a large number of those who had practiced magic collected their books and burned them in public. They calculated their value and found it to be fifty thousand silver pieces. Thus did the word of the Lord continue to spread with influence and power.


—Acts 19:18-20


Who wrote this web page?


What the Catechism of the Catholic Church says:

2116  All forms of divination are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to “unveil” the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone.



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