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Questions and Answers

As you may have heard, the Holy Father has recently stated that the Church owes homosexuals an “apology.” In his three year reign as pope, he has also said many things that go against Catholic dogma and has put homosexually-friendly bishops and cardinals, who repeatedly make confusing anti-Catholic statements into key Vatican positions.
     Recently, one of the pope’s closest advisors publicly issued a disturbing statement saying that the Catholic Church must “apologize” to homosexuals and that it is the duty of the state to give same-sex couples the same rights and protections as marriage. When Pope Francis was asked about the statement he agreed that the Catholic Church must apologize to homosexuals whom it has “offended.” In a statement that has been seized upon by LGBT activists the world over, the Holy Father even explicitly spoke against giving “theological” reasons for condemning homosexuality.
     In the Gospel of St. Matthew, Our Lord says that the time will come when “Even the elect . . . will be confused.” Our Lady of Fatima warned that the final battle against Satan will be against marriage and family. Thus, I understand these things must come to pass (and the papacy is not immune to spreading confusion) but in the meantime how is a Catholic to react when the pope himself is making seemingly heretical comments? . . . Are we obliged to remain silent when the Pope is spreading errors that are influencing the weak and vulnerable Catholics and non-Catholics among us? . . . Aren’t we taught to admonish the sinner, as a charitable work of mercy? I know that we are to focus on Christ and the Church’s Traditions at all times in the Church, particularly when things get rocky, but I am presently very disturbed by all this and not sure how to keep focused in this storm.
     Next, how would you respond to a statement that although there have been extraordinarily awful popes in the past, the Church not only survived but thrived, and so the Pope should be above criticism?

Outline of the Answer
• Spiritual Battle
• The Office of the Pope
• Hatred
• Apologies on Both Sides

Wn the great spiritual battle against evil, Satan and evil spirits have the power of influence over souls in this world. Nevertheless, it’s a perfectly fair battle. Although Satan has the free will to tempt us to join him in hell, we have the free will to accept his seduction or, through faith in Christ, to reject all that would tempt us to our doom.

Thus our salvation depends on our remaining faithful to all that Christ taught us and commanded of us and that has become formulated as Christian doctrine. Christian doctrine is as old as Christ, and it has been preserved through the ages by the Tradition of the Catholic Church. If we cling to the Tradition of the Catholic Church, we have a solid rock to give us shelter from the chaos of demonic insanity raging around us.

Therefore, as the chaos of apostasy and heresy rages around you, and as demons are snatching souls on all sides, your spiritual task is to reject anything that contradicts the Tradition of the Catholic Church. Maybe the demons are gloating now that they have snatched someone big, but don’t let them snatch you. For the most part, your rejection of error must be done silently in your living a holy lifestyle of chastity, humility, modesty, prayerfulness, and detachment from the vanity and pride of the world.

If anyone challenges you, say, “You can reject the Tradition of the Catholic Church if you want, but just remember that in doing this you’re risking everything, even everlasting life, for the sake of nothing more than your own personal convenience and self-gratification. If you are wrong, the demons will gloat. But it’s your soul, not mine. Do what you want.”

The Office of the Pope

For the most part, whenever a pope speaks or writes, he does so simply as a man giving his personal opinion. Like any man, such an opinion is fallible. However, in special cases of doctrine (such as when the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin was declared), a pope will make an official declaration ex cathedra—that is, “from the chair of the Pope”. This means that the doctrine comes from the place of the office, not the man, and so the doctrine is to be considered infallible and must be accepted by the entire Church as an article of faith.

In all of this, we owe respect to the office of the Pope, but, when the man filling that office is not speaking ex cathedra and, in the course of his personal opinions makes errors, we need, for the sake of our own souls, to admit that he is wrong.


Consider an example from aviation. When aircraft fly in formation, the lead airplane provides direction to all the other airplanes who must follow the lead in every maneuver. Sadly, though, in the course of aviation history there have been many cases when the lead pilot became disoriented and flew into the ground—and all the aircraft in the formation followed to their own doom. If any one of the aircraft had been able to recognize the danger and break away at the last moment, however, it could have been saved. 


For the sake of our souls, then, each one of us must take personal responsibility for avoiding sin, regardless of who may be providing guidance to us. Even when I give spiritual guidance to my clients I do not say, “Do what I tell you.” Instead I make recommendations, and then I say, “Go and pray about it, and then do what you want to do.” [1] Always remember that when you have to stand before Christ in judgment it won’t do you any good to say, “But so-and-so told me to do such-and-such.” Your judgment will be based on the fact that you (regardless of who influenced you) of your own free will chose to do such-and-such.[2]  

Consequently, even though we know that the Church can survive bad popes, the danger of papal error is that bad guidance can lead myriads of souls into temptation and doom. Only when you can say, “The Pope has departed from Church Tradition and has become the dupe of the Satanic New World Order, and so I must not follow him to my doom,” can you avoid being led into temptation.


Make an Act of Reparation
for abuses against the Sacred Heart of Jesus


So, whenever you are invited to pray for the intentions of the pope, pray for his repentance and conversion.


Read an excerpt from a sermon by Saint Augustine
about this matter

As for other souls, their salvation is their responsibility, not yours—but your choice to resist temptation and live a holy life can be a holy influence on them. Remember, it’s far easier to criticize someone than it is to live a holy life yourself. And it’s far easier to hate than it is to love.


Therefore, be careful that in your rejection of error you do not fall into hatred for the person espousing the error. To hate someone is to want harm to come to that person. Hate can take many forms, so let’s be clear about what it is and isn’t.

It’s not hatred to say that behaviors contrary to Christian doctrine are sins. Nor is it hatred to say that someone professing to be a Christian and who has strayed from Church Tradition has fallen into heresy or apostasy. Nor is it hatred to warn someone that he or she has strayed from Church Tradition. None of these things is hatred because the ultimate intent is not to harm another but to correct error.

It’s also not hatred to criticize publicly a person’s public performance, or to criticize privately the behavior of someone such as a parent, so long as the intent is to state facts dispassionately and not to insult the person.

It is hatred in the heart to wish harm to befall others. It is hatred in the heart to curse others silently. It is hatred in the heart to fantasize about committing acts of insult or violence. These acts of hatred are venial sins, and they can be remitted through interior contrition. But if through lack of contrition they linger in the heart, they become unconscious resentments that act like poison in your own heart. Thus even though hatred in the heart only fantasizes about harm to others, the harm to yourself is real.

Hatred becomes mortal sin when it becomes an outward act. To curse someone, to insult someone to his or her face, to disparage someone’s character through social media, to send hate mail, to spread lies, to assault others, to incite violence or damage property as an act of protest—all these are grave sins. They cause real harm to others, and they also poison you.

Real Christians renounce hate and want only good for others, and to want good for others means only one thing: to wish their salvation. Real Christians, in compassion for sinners, pray for the enlightenment and repentance of sinners so that the sinners can experience God’s mercy. Mercy is for the repentant; it’s not something to hand out like candy even to those who have no contrition for their sins.

Apologies on Both Sides

Nevertheless, through the ages many individuals in the Church have forsaken compassion and have fallen into hatred for those who commit sin. Hatred is wrong, period.

But the converse is also true: those who have committed hatred against the Church, even if it’s because they were hated by individuals in the Church, owe the Church an apology.


Who wrote this web page?


1. I say this, though, with the understanding that clients must reject any “guidance” from their prayer that contradicts the Tradition of the Catholic Church. Never forget that what we hear in prayer can be deception by demons.

2. An exception here is a religious bound by formal vows of obedience to a superior or spiritual director.


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Additional Resources


Abandoned in childhood by his father, a man sought his revenge by laying plans to destroy the Catholic Church from within. With the support of his Communist backers, he became a priest influential in Vatican II and beyond—but then something happened that he didn’t plan. The God in whom he did not believe caused him to write his memoirs and then brought about his unexpected death in a traffic accident. Subsequently, the memoirs were brought to light and published. Moreover, in His great mercy, God gave the man a short time in a coma to contemplate his sins before he actually died. We don’t know the ultimate disposition of his soul, but we do know the reason for the unexpected disruption to his plans: the mystical sacrifice of a young woman known to the man as “Raven Hair.” Her sacrifice? She set aside her romantic hopes for this intriguing man and became a Carmelite nun to pray for his soul and for the good of the whole Church. Thus the conspiracy has been exposed, even though its effects are real and continue to affect the entire Church today.

TAN Books and Publishers


 A video about Diabolic Narcissism (and its seditious effects on the Church)


Though Demons Gloat

A treasure of a resource for psychological and spiritual healing. Information gathered from my websites is now available at your fingertips in book form.

Though Demons Gloat: They Shall Not Prevail
by Raymond Lloyd Richmond, Ph.D.

Though we are attacked by liberal activists from without and by apostasy from within, the true Church—that is, the body of those who remain faithful to Church tradition—weeps, and she prays, because she knows the fate of those who oppose God.
     Our enemies might fear love, and they can push love away, but they can’t kill it. And so the battle against them cannot be fought with politics; it requires a profound personal struggle against the immorality of popular culture. The battle must be fought in the service of God with pure and chaste lifestyles lived from the depths of our hearts in every moment.

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Where Catholic therapy (Catholic psychotherapy) is explained according to Catholic psychology in the tradition of the Catholic mystics.