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Psychological Healing
in the Catholic Mystic Tradition

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Lies! Your unscientific blathering makes you just a whore of the archaic and deluded. I’m proud to be homosexual! GAY PRIDE!!!

Pride is a sin, and it puts you in the hands of the devil, the father of all lies. Those who are duped by the devil and renounce chastity become his prostitutes. That’s what a whore really is.

All unrepentant sin—including pride—leads to hell.


gay pride


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Recommended Reading


Though Demons Gloat: They Shall Not Prevail
by Raymond Lloyd Richmond, Ph.D.

We are attacked by liberal activists from without and by apostasy from within. The true Church—that is, the body of those who remain faithful to Church tradition—weeps, and she prays, because she knows the fate of those who oppose God.
     Our enemies might fear love, and they can push love away, but they can’t kill it. And so the battle against them cannot be fought with politics; it requires a pro­found personal struggle against the immorality of popular culture. The battle must be fought in the service of God with pure and chaste lifestyles lived from the depths of our hearts in every moment.

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Where Catholic therapy (Catholic psychotherapy) is explained according to Catholic psychology in the tradition of the Catholic mystics.