there are real social problems that need to be fixed. I need to be involved
in the fight. How else will anything get accomplished?
rue Christian life has nothing
to do with politics. Its simply a matter of each individual soul finding
its freedom in God through total commitment to Christ. Granted, there may
be political effects of such a lifestyle, for if everyone did what Christ
told us to do, we would have perfect social justiceand
peace on earth. Sadly, everyone doesnt live
this wayeven most so-called Christians do not live this wayand
so we dont have perfect justice. And we dont have
The Social Role
of a Genuine Christian
The social role of a genuine
Christian, then, is not to force others politically to live holy lives but
to show them, through personal example,
how to live holy lives. And this means praying
for your enemies, not fighting to suppress them politically, or
protesting them, or seeking
The real battle,
therefore, is between Satan and your soul, not between you and other persons.
Have no doubts that Satan will tempt you through others in every way he can,
to induce you to turn against your baptismal promises.
And God will allow him to tempt you, as a way of strengthening and purifying
your soul.
So what is the point of reforming the world if you lose your soul in the
process? |
The testimony of the mystics
provides ample evidence that if you do trust completely in God, then
God will take care of you, and you will be inspired to accomplish
more work of more holy and lasting value than you can possibly
Fear of Facing
Psychological Darkness
So why would someone focus on
social problems rather than on living a personally holy life with complete
trust in God?
The answer is,
Fear. Fear of facing his or her own deepest
Why do you notice
the splinter in your brothers eye but do not perceive the wooden beam
in your own eye? |
Matthew 7:3 |
Even atheists perform political
works of social justice. And their hidden unconscious motive is to compensate
psychologically for their spiritual emptiness that is a private, interior
terror for them. In other words, the motive for social concern can easily
derive from a narcissistic attempt to make
feel useful and wanted. Thats a hard statement, but only when you have
learned to deny yourself according to genuine
religion will you understand the difference between
love and prideand
the difference between justice and
The Greatest
Human Service of All Time
Remember that the Blessed
Virgin performed the greatest human service of all
time, and yet she went back to being a nobody for the rest of her life. Despite
all she knew, and kept close to her heart, about the personal life of the
Holy Family, only a tiny portion of it made it into St. Lukes
Gospeland you can bet that he would have written more if she had let
him. And why was she so humble? She understood
humility to its most profound depths because she had carried the glory of
God within her. And that experience showed her how
insignificant all human accomplishments areand
how useless is the pride taken in them.
Imprisoned in
Therefore, unless your desire
to make the world changeas you believe it should
changecomes from an awesome reverence for the glory of God, and profound
humility, youre standing on the brink
of pride. Activism is the first resort of those who dont understand
prayer. If religion for you is just a role or a job, or if you have to
be disobedient or get yourself arrested just
to feel socially useful, then you will be imprisoned in nothing other than
your own self-deception.
Gods Perfect Justice
When we encounter
individuals who commit offenses and seem to get away with it,
the irritation that we feel is justified, but we can also be drawn into
the desire to take matters into our own hands and get revenge. If we remember,
however, that every crimeevery sinevery
offense against lovethat a person commits is
an offense against God that will be accounted for during his or her judgment
at death, then we can understand that no one can evade Gods perfect justice.
All sins will be paid for. If the sins are not repented, they will be paid for in
hell, but if the sins are repented they will be paid for in
Purgatory, thus demonstrating that
mercy is a fundamental part of Gods justice. To trust
in Gods justice, then, is to set aside our anger for the injuries inflicted on
us and to let God administer His own justice according to His will.
Liberation for
Real Christianity, then, is
liberation for everyone, including the poor and the oppressed. But it is
not a political liberation. Its liberation
from the slavery to sin. Its the liberation
that comes from looking the prevailing culture in
the eye and saying, We dont want your empty riches and glamor.
We dont want your Hollywood movies and cable television. We dont
want your alcohol and drugs. We dont want your abortions and divorces.
We dont want your pornography, prostitution, adultery, and contempt
for chastity. We dont want your gambling casinos. We dont want
your sports. We dont want your cut-throat
business competition and exploitation of the weak and helpless. We dont
want your political squabbles, your terrorism,
or your wars. We want only Jesus Christ, and in Him
we are free.
Let the wicked
continue in their wicked ways, the depraved in their depravity! The virtuous
must live on in their virtue and the holy ones in their holiness! . . . I
bring with Me the reward that will be given to each man as his conduct
deserves. . . . Blessed are they who wash their robes so as to have free access
to the tree of life and enter the city through its gates! Outside are the dogs
and sorcerers, the fornicators and murderers, the idol-worshipers and all who
love falsehood. |
22:1115 |
