Today everyone
seems to be gaga over live-streamed Masses, but there’s something about it all that
doesn’t sit well with me. I’m not sure about it. Can you explain this? What’s your
ll of this came about because the
bishops were too cowardly to assert that the Mass is an essential service to Catholics.
They could have said that during the corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic, Masses will
continue, but with reasonable health safety precautions such that people will sit in every
other pew. With a minimal homily, and with Eucharistic Prayer II, the Novus Ordo Mass could
be celebrated in less than 15 minutes; similarly a traditional Low Mass could be celebrated
relatively quickly. Communion on the tongue could be mandated, and communion in the hand could
be forbidden because it is unsanitary. People could be told to leave immediately after the
conclusion of the Mass. Volunteers could sanitize the pews for the next Mass. Crowding could
be controlled by limiting attendance so that people are spaced at a safe distance from each
And with special permission, priests could celebrate multiple Masses in a day, perhaps
even every hour on Sundays. All of this could have been done as a reverent mass production
(excuse the pun). But it wasn’t. The bishops slunk away like dogs with their tails between
their legs, hiding the truth that many of them were quite happy to comply with the restrictions
because many of them—deceived by the Satanic deep Church—don’t believe that the
Eucharist has any importance anyway.
And as they were slinking, they cried out,
“We will live stream our Masses!”
That was like throwing scraps to the
Technology can communicate information,
but God’s presence cannot be communicated by staring at pixels on a computer
By holding out the pretense of “live-streamed
Masses” the bishops have reduced the Mass to the insipid level of a Protestant service
where there is no real presence of God. Protestants don’t mind televised services because
to them prayer is all in their hearts—or to be more psychologically exact, in their heads.
But to a Catholic the Mass is all in the Eucharist, and a real Catholic
has to be there physically to be in the real presence of God.
Still, most Catholics today do not believe
in the Real Presence in the Eucharist, and many bishops take
seditious satisfaction in perpetuating this false belief that there is no Real Presence
and that the Mass is just about human fellowship. Thus the concept of live-streamed Masses
has a diabolical origin. Live-streamed Masses are scraps to the dogs.
And demons gloat.
Some individuals have been
saying it for decades, and now we have the bloodstained evidence right in front of us:
The worst human enemies of the Church are within the Church itself—they are the
Satanic deep Church. |
Nevertheless, if people want to participate
in this absurdity, let them do what they want. I, however, want nothing to do with it.
For me, until the restrictions are fully lifted, Sundays are days of lamentation with
prayers of reparation and exorcism.
Prayers for Dire

1. Requiring registration for Mass
attendance might sound like a good idea, but there is a dark side to
it. It’s a nefarious thing called Contact Tracing,
such that names and contact information of persons signing up for sacraments are collected
and reported to the government, all with the silent consent of the priests involved. Even
though the intent is to locate and contain individuals testing positive for corona virus
(COVID-19), still, if you don’t want the police to “reach out” to you with handcuffs
eventually, it would be best to avoid any parish activities that require you to
provide your personal information.
Recommended Reading
Abandoned in childhood by
his father, a man sought his revenge by laying plans to destroy the Catholic
Church from within. With the support of his Communist backers, he became
a priest influential in Vatican II and beyondbut then something happened
that he didnt plan. The God in whom he did not believe caused him to
write his memoirs and then brought about his unexpected death in a traffic
accident. Subsequently, the memoirs were brought to light and published.
Moreover, in His great mercy, God gave the man a short time in a coma to
contemplate his sins before he actually died. We dont know the ultimate
disposition of his soul, but we do know the reason for the unexpected disruption
to his plans: the mystical sacrifice of a young woman known to the man as
Raven Hair. Her sacrifice? She set aside her romantic hopes for
this intriguing man and became a Carmelite nun to pray for his soul and for
the good of the whole Church. Thus the conspiracy has been exposed, even though
its effects are real and continue to affect the entire Church today.
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A treasure of a resource for psychological
and spiritual healing. Information gathered from my websites is now available at your
fingertips in book form.
Though Demons Gloat: They Shall Not Prevail
by Raymond Lloyd Richmond, Ph.D.
Though we are attacked by liberal activists from without and by apostasy
from within, the true Church—that is, the body of those who remain
faithful to Church tradition—weeps, and she prays, because she knows
the fate of those who oppose God.
Our enemies might fear love, and they can push love
away, but they can’t kill it. And so the battle against them cannot be
fought with politics; it requires a profound personal struggle against
the immorality of popular culture. The battle must be fought in the
service of God with pure and chaste lifestyles lived from the depths of
our hearts in every moment.
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