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Psychological Healing
in the Catholic Mystic tradition


Illegal Immigration



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The Fraud of Political Correctness |
The Theological Reason | The Social Reason | The Civil Reason |
The Reality

SONTRARY to any political correctness, illegal immigration is a grave sin. Why? Actually, it’s a sin for several reasons.

The Theological Reason

Illegal immigration is a sin theologically because every illegal alien commits mortal sin by breaking two of the Ten Commandments: “Thou shalt not lie,” and “Thou shalt not steal.”

The Social Reason

Illegal immigration is a sin socially because it defiles Christian love for one’s neighbor: it breaks up families in the country of origin; it implicates children in the sins of their parents; it exploits the illegal aliens themselves in terms of wages and benefits; it deprives legitimate citizens of jobs; it increases the tax burden on taxpayers; and it brews a support system for criminal activity, such as drug smuggling, terrorism, murder, assault, rape, vandalism, identity theft, false documentation, shoplifting, and street camping.

The Civil Reason

And, let us not forget, illegal immigration is a sin because civilly it is a federal crime. Remember, Saint Paul told us to be obedient to authority because “whoever resists authority opposes what God has appointed, and those who oppose it will bring judgment upon themselves” (Romans 13:2). Saint Peter told us to “Be subject to every human institution for the Lord’s sake, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by Him to punish those who do wrong and to praise those who do right” (1 Peter 2:13–14). Moreover, Christ told Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque that “I love obedience, and without it no one can please Me.” Consequently, those who disobey laws meant to protect the rights of law-abiding citizens bring doom upon themselves.


No matter where you go, you cannot receive political sanctuary from sin.
Without repentance, confession, and penance you are headed to doom.


The Reality

So how can Christians welcome others into their midst without committing sin? Well, those who call themselves Christian must first have in their hearts a real place of welcome, and this requires a dedication to a real Christian identity.

Real Christians do not break the Ten Commandments.

Real Christians respect the language and the laws of the country in which they reside.

Real Christians respect the legitimate property and boundaries of others.

Real Christians avoid committing sin and do not condone the sin of others.

Real Christians do not lead their children into temptation and sin.

Real Christians do not look to social methods to fix their personal distress but instead turn to God in prayer.

Real Christians resist cultural evil by not engaging in protest and terrorism.

Real Christians are not duped by political and social pressure to commit sin.

Real Christians do not commit sin in the name of “compassion.”

If Christians are not living a real Christian identity, and if they aren’t teaching others to live prayerful lives free of sin, then all that they do in the name of “social justice” is just a pathetic fraud in the service of the demonic.



Hmm . . . a wall worked before.


The information on this webpage is now available at your fingertips as one chapter in my book Catholic Compassion.

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Catholic Compassion
When They Tell You That the Moral Teachings of the Catholic Church Are Wrong
by Raymond Lloyd Richmond, Ph.D.
It would be humorous, if the consequences weren’t so tragic, that contemporary society tries desperately to convince us that Catholic compassion is wrong because it lacks compassion.
    All of us—but especially children and young adults—are constantly being tempted by liberal rationalism to doubt the moral teachings of the Catholic Church. Today, we are induced to look with desire at immoral behaviors that separate us from a holy life, and, when we fall for the trap, we justify those immoral behaviors with a pernicious yet seemingly innocent notion, “How can there be anything wrong with something that seems so nice?”
    This book can help you understand how friends, teachers, professors, the entertainment industry—and even priests—can lead you away from God under the deceptive guise of “being compassionate.”

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Where Catholic therapy (Catholic psychotherapy) is explained according to Catholic psychology in the tradition of the Catholic mystics.

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