It would be humorous, if the consequences
weren’t so tragic, that contemporary society tries desperately to convince us that Catholic
compassion is wrong because it lacks compassion.
All of us—but especially children and young adults—are constantly being tempted by liberal
rationalism to doubt the moral teachings of the Catholic Church. Today, we are induced to
look with desire at immoral behaviors that separate us from a holy life, and, when we fall
for the trap, we justify those immoral behaviors with a pernicious yet seemingly innocent
notion, “How can there be anything wrong with something that seems so nice?”
This book can help you understand how friends, teachers, professors, the entertainment
industry—and even priests—can lead you away from God under the deceptive guise of “being
Still, we have an obligation—an obligation that ensues from having chosen to follow Christ
in the way of the cross—to not hate those who hate chastity, to not fear those who fear suffering,
to not reject those who reject holiness itself. And even if they close their ears to our words,
we have a compassionate obligation to pray that they might someday, before they die, make the
choice to listen to, rather than reject, the Holy Spirit. We have an obligation to live the
genuine compassion that much of contemporary society around us wants to reject.

Preface | Catholic Compassion |
Chastity | Responsibility | Serving the Self | Disobeying God | Modesty | Same-sex Attraction |
Identity | Illegal Immigration | Obedience to False Authority | Duped | To Die In All Things |
Illusions | The Proof | The Call | A Lesson For Parents | Blessings
Appendix I: Act of Reparation
Appendix II: Little Prayer to the Blessed Virgin
Paperback book |
eBook |
5.25" x 8"
78 pages
ISBN: 979-8876687708 |
Formatted for Kindle
devices and Kindle apps for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, PC, Mac, Blackberry,
and Android-based devices. |
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Catholic Compassion

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