You Catholics
are a bunch of homophobic [expletives deleted]. What’s wrong about love? What would
you do if you saw two gays kissing in public? Today we have to fight for our rights
against idiots like you because two hundred years ago many of us would have been
slaves. All you do in the Catholic church is whine about homosexuality and abortion.
Get into the modern world!
wo hundred years ago, slavery was legal,
and many persons said, “It’s legal, and we can make money from it, so what’s the problem
with it?” Yet there were many Catholics who worked to abolish slavery, saying it’s wrong.
Today, abortion is legal, and many persons say, “It’s legal,
and we can make money from it, so what’s the problem with it?” Yet there are many Catholics
today working to abolish abortion, saying it’s wrong. So you point your finger at slavery
and accept abortion? That’s hypocrisy. Like it or not, you’re
no different from those who kept slaves two hundred years ago. All those foul curses you hurled
at the Church belong on your head.
Sadly, many liberal
are hypocrites. They praise what they like and hate what they
oppose, using misinformation, fraud, lying, threats, intimidation, censorship, and bullying
to get their way. That’s Nazi ideology. That’s sin.
Sin is not
love. Hate is not love. Real
Catholics know what real love is, and they don’t hate anyone or anything except
To answer your question, answer my question:
What would you do if you saw someone making the Sign of the Cross in public? Well,
your eyes would likely bulge with rage. The insane reactions of liberal activists over the
past few years have proven the point that the hysteria of protest
political activism
are stained with hypocrisy. Their “diversity” is not diverse enough
to include those who disagree with them.
So where is real love and real freedom?
It is found only in Christ and in those diverse but few individuals who choose to follow
Him with pure hearts free from slavery to sin.