Sadly, most women who refuse to
wear a chapel veil dont understand its real purpose, and many women who do wear
a veil do so for the wrong reasons.
So, should women wear a chapel
veil out of duty? No. Should they wear a veil only at the Latin Mass? No. Is the veil
a sign of oppression of women? No; in fact,
it’s just the opposite.
If women dress modestly at all times they will be a holy influence on men
and society, and if they cover their heads when praying they will protect themselves
spiritually from those who feed upon irreverence and impurity.
Women have a crucial mission—a mission of supernatural purity—in liberating
themselves, the Church, and society in general from the oppression of irreverence and impurity
that, day by day, are increasingly attacking us all.
Preface | Questions | Social Dignity |
Demonic Influence | Social Acceptance |
Angels and Fallen Angels | The Example of Mary | Woman Is the Glory of Man |
Wearing a Veil Properly | Summary
Paperback book |
eBook |
5.25" x 8"
37 pages
ISBN: 979-8398527612 |
Formatted for Kindle
devices and Kindle apps for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, PC, Mac, Blackberry,
and Android-based devices. |
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The Veil of Purity