If you are addicted to any
substance, you are declaring with your behavior that you “love” the addiction more
than you love God, and so you will fail to love God as Christ commanded us: You
shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with
all your mind (Matthew 22:37). But, if only you train yourself through faith and
prayer to desire holiness more than you desire an addiction, any addiction can be
Accordingly, to stop smoking it will be necessary not only to overcome the addiction
to nicotine, but also it will be necessary to overcome the habit of always reaching
for a cigarette (either as a behavioral reward or as a means to relieve anxiety)
instead of reaching out to God in prayer.
If you follow the guidance within this book, you will be able to say, “When I trust
in You, Lord, You are my best and oldest friend. I do not need to soothe myself with
tobacco. With Your grace, I am not a slave to impulses and addiction.”
Stopping Smoking |
Reasons for Being a Nonsmoker | Withdrawal Symptoms |
Faith and Prayer | Deliverance From Cravings | Practicing Gratitude
Paperback book |
eBook |
5.25" x 8"
34 pages
ISBN 13: 979-8862915723 |
Formatted for Kindle
devices and Kindle apps for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, PC, Mac, Blackberry,
and Android-based devices. |
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Stopping Smoking