I feel
sorry for your clients unless their [sic] all cloistered monks
and nuns, they only would be able to meet your ridged [sic] demands
and I doubt they would agree with you. I will pray for your clients. No true
saint charged for their [sic] spiritual
advise [sic].
he more you try to insult me, the
more you reveal the depths of the very anger that blocks you from living
a genuine Christian life, and the more you prove the whole point of this
But since
anger usually derives from
fear, you do offer a clue. For you to say that only
cloistered monks and nuns could meet “my” demands shows just how
much you must be afraid. By convincing yourself that something must be
“impossible”—that is, that it must be just some irrational foolishness
that has been made up by a crazy psychologist—you free yourself from
any responsibility for making the effort to achieve it. And that’s precisely
where many so-called Christians go wrong. Christ Himself warned us that many
are called and yet only a few are chosen. In the story of The Rich Young Man
(Matthew 19:16–30) He makes it clear what He demands of us:
everything. This isn’t just a “rigid demand” that only
monks and nuns can meet; it’s a demand for all of us.
One day, on account of some
fault which I had committed, my Divine Master gave me the following lesson.
“Learn,” He said, “that I am a Holy Master and One that teaches
holiness; I am pure and cannot endure the slightest stain. Therefore, thou
must act with simplicity of heart and with an upright and pure intention
in my presence. Know that I cannot endure the least want of straightforwardness,
and I shall make thee understand that, if the excess of My love has led Me
to constitute Myself thy Master, in order to teach and fashion thee after
My manner and according to My designs, nevertheless I cannot bear tepid and
cowardly souls, and, if I am gentle in bearing with thy weakness, I shall
not be less severe and exact in correcting and punishing thy
infidelities.” |
—Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque,
Autobiography, 51. |
Furthermore, in The Parable
of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) Christ tells us what will happen to
those who out of fear refuse to serve Him
productively: not only are God’s
gifts taken from them, but they lose everything else as well.
Now, speaking about gifts from
God, I don’t charge anyone for the privilege of reading this website;
furthermore, I say plainly that you don’t
really need to pay me for professional consultation to learn how to fulfill
the demands of Christ, if only you are willing to pray
properly. Nevertheless, when some individuals do pay me for my professional expertise,
we have the words of Saint Paul himself (a very true saint): “A
worker deserves his pay” (1 Timothy 5:18).
Thank you for your prayers for
my clients. Maybe someday, instead of throwing around insults, you will even
learn how to pray for those whom you dislike—as Christ “rigidly”
demanded of us.
