Third Edition
We are being attacked
by the chaos of COVID-19, natural disasters, terrorism, violence, hateful protest, censorship,
weaponizing of political agency, social rudeness and vulgarity, and moral decay.
Trauma is inflicting its claws on us everywhere.
social violence, and man-made and natural disasters are overwhelming our societies,
and neither our governments nor our mental health systems really understand what is looming in
front of us. This book addresses the psychological and spiritual components of trauma
that are critical to coping with unexpected and shocking reality.
An event is traumatic because it disrupts your previously secure
sense of self. Consider that wild animals live with a constant, sharp awareness of perpetual
danger, yet most people live with a naive—and deceptive—sense of safety and security to the
point of denying their basic vulnerability and fragmented sense of self. So when something
disastrous occurs, the psychological damage from the shattering of your illusions about
life and identity may be more problematic than any physical damage. But psychological and
spiritual growth can arise from trauma.

Disasters and Trauma
(Includes information about the Imaginary,
the Real, and the Symbolic; maladaptive coping strategies; spiritual growth;
breaking the cycle of blame and hatred)

(Includes information about the psychological
and spiritual nature of evil and demonic influence)

(Includes information about the relationship between social
fraud and hatred)

Antisocial Violence
(Includes information about the relationship between family dysfunction and antisocial

Growth from Trauma
(Includes information on how growth can come from trauma)

(Includes information about managing unconscious anger)


Paperback book |
eBook |
5.25" x 8"
90 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1725696754 |
Formatted for Kindle
devices and Kindle apps for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, PC, Mac, Blackberry,
and Android-based devices. |
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Disasters and Trauma 3E