Second Edition
When you’re trapped
in lust, even physical creation itself is a veil that separates you from God.
This book is about a
veil—the veil of illusion that draws you into temptation, day after day. Armed
with the truth herein, you will be able to pray for the strength and courage
to persevere through your trials into confident trust in divine protection.
You will learn to seek out the true humility of confidence, not the false
satisfaction of competing with others to make yourself feel strong and powerful.
You will learn to admit your wretchedness and to seek the grace to love, and to
pray for, everyone—even your enemies—despite the mistreatment you received as a
child and continue to receive, even now, as an adult. Thus you will learn to seek
the desire for holy love that will grow in you and overshadow every other desire.
Do this and you will not only understand love, you will be living it.
Part One: The Veil
Tired of Sin | The Issues | The Actual Failure | Just Get Over It

Part Two: Beyond the Veil
The Urge to Masturbate | Sin Feels Good | Sexual Addiction? | Sexual Arousal |
The Healing Process | The Spiritual Battle | Deliverance |
Developing Trust In God | A Dream | Beyond Lack and Limitation

Appendix I: The Litany of Chastity

Appendix II: Deliverance from the Tyranny of Evil

Appendix III: Little Prayer to the Blessed Virgin

Appendix IV: Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus


Paperback book |
eBook |
5.25" x 8"
87 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1093180985
Formatted for Kindle
devices and Kindle apps for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, PC, Mac, Blackberry,
and Android-based devices. |
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Beyond the Veil of Lust